Monday 14 July 2008

Religious Tolerance and Hinduism : World's destiny

I used to share the intellectual writings of common human interest with all my blog readers and perhaps sometime love to place and edit the writing of the great scholars without any boundaries. Here in the article , you could find the essence of Hinduism and religious tolerance concept which is the prime demand of our planet to exist out of practicising or nourishing terrorism in all form either in the name of Jihad or in the name of anti terrorist war.

According to the Professor ML Goel , a scholar based in Florida , USA where he said few words about the said topic in an international conference and to the abstract of this article, he quoted :
Hindu values spread all over the world on its religious tolerance and democracy. Hinduism is the world's oldest religious tradition; it goes back to the very dawn of history. The hymns composed some 5,000 years ago are still recited today.

Hinduism is the third largest of the world's religions, after Christianity and Islam. Nearly 800 million people or one-seventh of humanity call Hinduism their spiritual home. Millions more in South and Southeast Asia and in the Far East trace their spiritual roots to Hinduism.
Hinduism is also the world's largest pluralistic tradition. A multiplicity of spiritual paths and ways are recognized as valid in Hinduism. Hinduism is not based on the teachings of a single Prophet or a single Book. The teachings of many different sages and saints find home within Hinduism. God may be worshiped both in male and female forms. Hinduism has much in common with the earth based religious traditions of the world.

Hinduism is not a creedal religion, based on dogma. Its emphasis is not on correct belief but on search for the Truth. The scripture describes several paths to spiritual development. The mountain peak may be reached by taking any of the several paths.

Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950), the great Indian seer of the first half of the twentieth century declared that Hinduism (also known as Sanatan Dharma or the eternal tradition) was rising not for India alone but for the world. Arnold Toynbee in his A Study of History was of the view that Hinduism will gain the status of a world religion in the new century. What lies behind such tall claims for Hinduism?

The events of September 11 have made clear the extraordinary importance of religious tolerance for peace in the world. I will describe here a few of the Hindu precepts as they relate to religious tolerance. I will also comment on the impact of Hinduism on democracy and economic development in India.


Hindus believe that Reality is OneB Ekam Sat. This Reality is everywhere, in everything, in every being. It is One and Many at the same time and it also transcends them both. At the popular level, the One Reality is worshipped as the Trinity: Brahma the creator, Vishnu 2
the preserver and Shiva the dissolver. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are not different gods, but they represent different faces of the One Supreme. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva have their respective female consorts: Saraswati, Lakshmi and Durga. Even though God is One, Hindus worship God in a number of both male and female forms. Ram Swarup puts the matter this way:
Spiritual life is one but it is vast and rich in expression. The human mind conceives it differently. If the human mind was uniform without different depths, heights and levels of subtlety; or if all men had the same mind, the same psyche, the same imagination, the same needs, in short, if all men were the same, then perhaps One God would do. But a man’s mind is not a fixed quantity and men and their powers and needs are different. So only some form of polytheism alone can do justice to this variety and richness. - - The Word As Revelation: Names of Gods, 1980.

The Avatar is God in human form. When God takes birth in Human body, He is known as the Avatar. The Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita States that God descends when religion is on the decline and immorality is on the rise. The Avatar comes down to earth from age to age.
Yada yada he dharmasya
glanir bhavati Bharata
abhyuthanam adharmasya
tad atmanam srijami aham
paritranaya sadhunam
vinashaya cha dushkritam
dharam sansthapan arthaya
sambhavami yuge yuge

"Whenever there is decline in religious values and increase in unrighteousness, at that time I take birth. For the establishment of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the enthronement of the Right, I am born from age to age."-- Bhagavad Gita, 4:7-8
The Avatar helps mankind move to a higher level of consciousness. Rama and Krishna are popular Hindu Avatars. Buddha is accepted as an Avatar, even though he was a dissenter and a critic of the ritualism and caste distinctions of the Hindu system of his day. Many Hindu teachers accept also Jesus Christ as an Avatar. This is typical of the inclusiveness of the Hindu teachers.

Hinduism prescribes four ways of spiritual salvation, depending on the personality of the seeker. 3
• For the active person, there is Karma yoga, the path of selfless works.
• For the contemplative and intellectual person, there is Jnana Yoga, the path of Knowledge.
• For the emotional person, there is Bhakti yoga, the path of love and surrender. Bhakti yoga is said to be similar to the Christian path of love.
• Finally, Raja yoga is the path of meditative exercises including concentration and one-pointedness. This path focusing on meditation has become popular in the West.
Pluralism and tolerance of diversity are built into Hindu theology.
India=s long history is a testimony to its tolerance of religious diversity. Christianity came to India with St. Thomas in the first century A.D., long before it became popular in the West. Judaism came to India after the Jewish temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. and the Jews were expelled from their homeland. In a recent book titled Who are the Jews of India? (University of California Press, 2000), author Nathan Katz observes that India is the only country where the Jews were not persecuted. AThe Indian chapter is one of the happiest of the Jewish Diaspora.@ p. 4. Both Christians and Jews have existed in a predominant Hindu India for centuries without being persecuted.
Zoroastrians from Persia (present day Iran) entered India in the 7th century to flee Islamic conquest. They are known as Parsees in India. The Parsees are an affluent community in the city of Bombay without a sense of having been persecuted through the centuries. Among the richest business families in India are the Parsees; for example, the Tata family controls a huge industrial empire in various parts of the country. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the powerful Prime Minister of India (1966-77; 1980-84), was married to Feroz Gandhi, a Parsee (no relation to Mahatma Gandhi).

The impact of religious values on democracy and economic development are topics of interest in our period. The failure of democracy in the Middle East is often attributed to the authoritarian nature of Islam.
There is indeed a close connection between religious beliefs of a people and their system of government. Absolutist religions give rise to absolutist regimes and pluralistic religions give rise to pluralistic regimes. It is no wonder that absolutist Ayatollah Khomeini established a theocratic Shia dictatorship in Iran in 1979. For the same reason, Calvinistic Geneva was an absolutist theocracy in Europe in the 16th century. The relative success of democracy in India owes to the pluralistic nature of Hinduism.

Modern political science scholarship has emphasized the impact of economic development on democratic success. Research articles by S. M. Lipset, Dean Neubauer, Phillip Cutright, 4
and Bruce Russett have demonstrated a statistical relationship between economic development and democracy. Democracy is more common in countries which are economically developed. In this research, the level of economic development is treated as the independent variable, and democracy is treated as the dependent variable, the effect. Statistical analysis shows a strong positive correlation between the level of economic development and democracy. India, however, is an exception to the rule. India is poor and underdeveloped and also riddled with vast amounts of corruption. Yet it is democratic. Fourteen free and competitive national elections have been held in India. Peaceful change in government has been a regular feature of political life so far. India=s record of democracy is unsurpassed in the developing world.

Political scientists have paid less attention to the influence of values on democracy. The role of values in understanding democratic success in my view is paramount. The failure of democracy in the Middle East cannot be attributed to poverty, as most countries in the region are petroleum rich but to values. Democracy in Europe succeeded only after the values of secularism and religious pluralism were established. Indian democratic success can be explained in terms of the pluralistic nature of its majority religion.


India today is poor and underdeveloped. One often hears the argument that Hinduism is responsible for India's poverty. This conclusion is unwarranted. One cannot condemn Hindu teachings for the poverty in India any more than one can condemn the teachings of Christ for the many wars fought in the European continent. One cannot condemn the teachings of Bhagavad Gita for Indian squalor any more than one can condemn the Sermon on the Mount for the high crime rate that exists in the United States.

Contrary to stereotypical information in the West, Hinduism is not life-negating, other-worldly or pessimistic in its philosophy. It does not condemn material success. It does not forbid the enjoyment of legitimate needs. The four legitimate wants allowed in Hinduism include: Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksha.

• Artha is material prosperity
• Kama is pleasure
• Dharma is righteous conduct
• Moksha is spiritual liberation

Dharma and Moksha come after Artha and Kama.

Indian poverty cannot be blamed on Hinduism. Nor is Hinduism opposed to science and rational thinking. Ancient India contributed handsomely to mathematics, astronomy, the physical and the medical sciences.

Poverty is a recent phenomenon in the long stretches of Indian history. It dates to the 5
period of colonization. India fell to colonial exploitation first by certain Muslim dynasties originating in Central Asia and then by the British in the 18th century. The invaders and plunderers were drawn to India’s wealth. When Muslim adventurers ransacked India in the 11th and 12th centuries, it was the richest country in the world. When the British left India in 1947, it was the poorest.


Hindus have migrated to many lands. The US Census counted 1.6 million people of Indian origin living in the United States in the year 2000. This number is likely to be more than 2 million in the year 2005. Hindus also have settled in Britain, East Africa, Fiji, Trinidad, Jamaica, Singapore, Malaysia, and in smaller numbers in many other countries. Wherever Hindus have settled, they achieve high economic and professional success. In the United States, Hindus enjoy among the highest standard of living. Their religion does not come in the way of their material prosperity.

India has the third largest number of engineers and scientists in the world, after the United States and Russia. Its export of computer software engineers now is global in scale.

I return to the theme of religious tolerance. Ram Swarup, an Indian thinker puts the matter eloquently this way:
AIn the spiritual realm there are two categories: God and your neighbor. And correspondingly there are two ways of looking at them: you could look at God through your neighbor or at the neighbor through your God. In the first approach, you will think that if your neighbor has the same needs and constitution and impulses as you have, then his God , in whatever way he is worshiped and by whatever name he is called, must mean the same to him as your God means to you. In short, if your neighbor is as good as you are, his God also must be as good as yours.
ABut if you look at your neighbor through your God, then it leads to an entirely different outlook. Then you say that if your God is good enough for you, it should be good enough for your neighbor too. And if your neighbor is not worshiping the same God in the same way, he must be worshiping Devil and qualifies for conversion or liquidation.

AThe first approach promotes tolerance, though it gives plurality of Gods and varieties of modes in worship. The other approach gives one God and one mode of worship, but breeds intolerance.- -The Word as Revelation: Names of Gods, 1980 Mahatma Gandhi's favorite hymn, chanted regularly at his evening prayer meetings, says: 6
Raghu Pati Raghav Raja Ram
Patit Pavan Sita Ram
Ishwar Allah tere Naam
Sabko Sanmati De Bhagwaan

"The Lord God is One, people call Him by different names. Some call him Ishwar; others call him Allah. O Beneficent Lord, bestow on humanity the peace of Thy Harmony."

The globe has shrunk and is now a much smaller place. Thanks to the Internet and the mass media, people in distant lands are now our neighbors. We cannot have peace in this shrunk globe so long as we insist that we are in possession of the truth and all others are groping in the darkness. Every method of spiritual growth and worship is worthy of respect. Hinduism has much to contribute to build a pluralistic global system that is peaceful and compassionate.
I will conclude with the words of Radhakrishnan, the philosopher President of India (1962-67):
What counts is not creed but conduct. By their fruits ye shall know them and not by their beliefs. Religion is not correct belief but righteous living. The Hindu view that every method of spiritual growth, every path to the Truth is worthy of reverence has much to commend itself. - - The Hindu View of Life, 1962. "
Professor Goel has narrated the context flowlessly and made a polite gesture before us , whether we can think like him or we may dare ignore the fact he tried to reveal in the above article

Courtesy of Mr. M L Goel of Florida , USA

Mahabharat - Hindu Civilisation -Epic journey towards modernism

I was impressed to read the following article being posted on maheronline which is being generated from Bhakti prakashani 2003 .

Article Title is
" Mahabharat-A myth or legacy of the lost civilisation?"

The article thus progressed with the following preface :

The serialisation of Hindu religion’s epic ‘Mahabharat’ in 1997 episodes by BBC has aroused immense interest among Hindus and also among white intellectual people in Britain. After the series was over, numerous other plays and serials have been produced in Europe as well as in America. It has also been a topic of discussion in every household that has the slightest knowledge of Hindu religion. It is interesting to know how the western world tries to explain about the civilisation that is a thousand years ahead of us.

As if the rational thinking from the scholars eventually derived in the same pace . The following paragraph is from the ‘Unexplained World Mysteries’ by Pam Beasant and published by Collins.

“The Mahabharat is a long Indian Poem written during the second century A.D. In it there are many accounts of battles, which seem to contain references to weapons and equipment, which were not invented until the 20th Century. The hero, Arjuna, Lord Krishna’s disciple, for instance, uses arrows that behave like anti-ballistic missiles. Arjuna also kills his enemies with what sounds like ‘Smart Bombs’, which seeks out its targets using sound waves. Some of the weapons are so futuristic that they are still to be invented. The most frightening part of the poem seems to describe so accurately the effects of a nuclear explosion. It tells how hero Ghatoth Katch threw a missile against three cities from his flying machine. It contained all the power of the universe and rose up in a single column after exploding, destroying every living thing in the cities. The poem further describes what sound like the after effects of a nuclear radiation. Hair and nail fell out, food was contaminated and people threw themselves into water to wash off the poison. The accuracy of this description makes people believe that the poet had a vision of weapons we possess today.

How could anyone describe so accurately the advance of science in two thousand years time unless it was the description of the war that took place some five thousand years ago and the knowledge was passed from generation to generation until it was recorded in a poem form?

Could it be that it is difficult for European nations to accept the existence of Hindu civilisation with such an advanced technology, which even today they are not able to match? Such an advanced scientific capability defies logical explanation. Could it be possible that a “star war” type third world war completely such an advanced civilisation, leaving only a pocket of human existence which had to start from scratch and it took some five thousand years to advance to where we are toady!

The word Baan (arrow is very similar to word Bomb. Could to-day’s weapons be the legacy of the past? Could Agni Baan be atom bomb and Varsha Baan is rain bomb not yet invented, to clear the atmosphere of radiation fall out? What about Baan that darkens the sky and plunges the day into perpetual darkness lasting indefinitely? Could it be earthquake, volcanic bomb which releases dust particles on a very large scale, obstructing the sunlight and plunging the earth into perpetual darkness, destroying practically every living things except those who were fortunate enough to take shelter in nuclear bunkers? At least that is the explanation put forward by the scientist for the disappearance of dinosaurs who once monopolised the world. Some of the weapons used in the battle of Mahabharat are not even on the drawing board to day.
Could civilisation of Mahabharat be some thousand years ahead of us?

Even inter planetary travel is mentioned in the poem of Mahabharat.

When the war was over the Pandavas were so devastated physically, mentally and morally at the destruction of unimaginable proportion to their cities and the tragic loss of lives of the people they loved and admired most, including the father of the nation and a grand father like figure of Bhisma Pitamaha, their noble elder brother Karan and all their children but one, that there was no joy in their victory, only relief that truth had triumphed over evil. They left everything behind and the five brothers, with their favorite dog went to the highest peak of the Himalayas and left this earth.
Could it be space travel?

It is fervent wish of the American theme park industry to create an illusionary palace to match the one built by Pandavas in their capital city lndraprasad. A visit to this magic palace by Duryodhan was the cause of the greatest conflict ever recorded in the history of the world. In this illusionary palace full of laser effects, the evil Duryodhan walked straight into a swimming pool imagining to be a beautifully designed marble floor and then lifted his dhoti (trousers) to walk on the marble floor believing it to be a shallow lake. This gave rise to the famous phrase “Andha ka beta andha” and sowed the seeds of the battle to come. Sanjay narrated the entire account of the eighteen-day battle to the sightless king Dhratrashtrya in his own palace, watching the whole episode on T.V. perhaps!

The most advanced and amazing weapon used in this war was the Sudershan Chakra, Lord Krishna’s favorite. Could it be today’s Tomahawk Cruise missiles so devastatingly used by U. S. A. in the Gulf war. The Tomahawk Cruise missile is the most spectacular and technically advanced weapon ever used in a war. It’s highly complicated radar and guidance systems can be accurate within a few yards over a thousand-mile range. The missile hugs the ground as it flies, searching its way from the Digital Terrain Maps, 3-D pictures showing every contour, with satellites plotting every hill, tall buildings and street corners. The missile is so accurate that one could be fired from the coast of Ibiza and make it land into the fountain of Trafalgar Square, avoiding all the high rise buildings. Could Sudarshan Chakra be tomorrow’s Cruise missile, even more advanced and sophisticated yet a fraction in size, seeking not only military targets but human beings as well, like the listed terrosits , which we may not be capable of developing for another hundred years or so?

The western countries could not be convinced about such an advanced Hindu civilisation without physical evidence. But as we have so often experienced, truth is stranger than fiction. May be we should seek evidence in the ruins of Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Could anything an attack a million times more destructive than the atom bombs dropped on these Japanese cities? Only very few people in isolated pockets, perhaps in underground bunkers may have survived to pass down the details of this stranger than fiction episode of Maha-Sangram, the mother of all battles, the battle of Mahabharat.
Everyone of whatever nationality And religious affiliation should take pride in the epic of Ramayan and Mahabharat, that such an advanced civilisation existed in Bharat some five thousand years ago before the birth of the holy child Jesus Christ and even long before the Prophet Md. Hazrat Muhammed(SM) Peace be upon him. preaches Islam.
edited from online editions of bhakti prokashani and maheronline for a human interest